by Rene Godefroy | Dec 27, 2008 | How To Become A Motivational Speaker
Please Understand Me
I do want you to arrive at your events in style when you are speaking in town. After all, you have to reflect the success you talk about. But starting out, you should resist living beyond your means.
Listen, if you stay with it, you are bound to make a lot of money. It’s insane how much money we get paid for a one-hour keynote. (more…)
by Rene Godefroy | Dec 21, 2008 | Become A Motivational Speaker, How To Become A Motivational Speaker, Make Money Speaking, Public Speaking, public speaking jobs, public speaking opportunities, speaker business, speaking business, Speaking Careers, speaking opportunities
Rethink Your Current Lifestyle Before You Jump.
If you are going to launch your speaking career or you want to start any business, now is NOT the time to buy that big house. You shouldn’t go for the fancy car, or the toys either.
Now, I’m not really telling you what to do. It’s your life. It’s your money. Do as you please. (more…)
by Rene Godefroy | Dec 14, 2008 | How To Become A Motivational Speaker
Living Beyond Your Means
If I ruffle some feathers here, it’s not by accident. I intend to. But don’t worry. I’ll be gentle.
First, let me tell you this. So many people have a twisted notion of starting a business.
I have had this conversation many times with entrepreneurs while coaching or consulting with them. I’m sure you have heard the statistic that 9 out of 10 businesses fail within the first year. Haven’t you? (more…)
by Rene Godefroy | Dec 6, 2008 | Become A Motivational Speaker, How To Become A Motivational Speaker, Make Money Speaking, Public Speaking
Stories Are More Important Than Facts
You instantly connect with your audience the moment you engage them in a story.
Having multiple stories and vignettes throughout your speech is like subtly putting your audience in and out of hypnotic trances. (more…)
by Rene Godefroy | Nov 29, 2008 | How To Become A Motivational Speaker
You Gotta Tell Your Story
You probably, at one point or another, say to yourself you don’t have a story to tell. This is a very common concern for beginning speakers. And it’s even more so for those that are born in the US.
Listen, if you think you can connect with your audiences without a story, think again. Stories are what bond us to our audiences. They are what give us leverage to last in the business. And that goes for any business. (more…)