How to charge more for your services. That’s the question I get asked a lot. The first answer is there’s no way I can tell you specifically how much you should charge for your services. But I can tell you this.
You are not trudging enough right now. You are underselling yourself. You have employees that you have to pay. You will have online services you have to pay. You have bills you have to pay.
Yet, you are not charging enough to make a great living in your business. If you double your fee, you are going to attract a totally different kind of client. You are not running a non-profit, are you? Are you a 501C3?
I was coaching this young lady, and she said to me… the same question I get asked by a lot of entrepreneurs that I coach. She said, Rene, I feel like I’m not making the money I should be making.
So, how much you think I should charge for my services. It’s the same answer. I don’t know! Because it’s different for different kinds of people. What I told her, is it something I said earlier?
You need to double your fees. You are not charging enough. The reality is there are so many people doing exactly what you are doing. They’re providing the same kind of service you are providing. Let’s say you are charging five thousand dollars.
They are charging a hundred thousand dollars. Does that mean they are 100 times better than you? No. Money is energy. If you want more money, you want to raise your energy. You want to attract different kinds of people.
You want to raise your energy. Have you ever entered a room full of millionaires and billionaires? I have. You want me to tell you what’s the difference? The difference is huge.
The energy level is way up are there. Let me give you an example of the energy level.
You see, if you go to Wal-Mart right now, you take an item that is… I don’t know. Ten dollars. You take that same item. You go to Saks Fifth Avenue or one of the high-end boutiques. You put it there. You cannot ask for ten dollars. Why?
People will not buy it because the people who go to Saks Fifth Avenue, they don’t pay ten dollars for this kind of item. If it’s 10 dollars, something is wrong. They will pay a hundred dollars or two hundred dollars for the same item that you have at Wal-Mart.
What is the difference? The difference is the energy level.
Saks Fifth Avenue, a high-end store, has a different kind of energy that attracts a different kind of person. And when they get there, they don’t argue with you. They don’t give you a hard time. They just buy it.
When your price is low, people who have a lot of returns. If you go to Wal-Mart to see the lion when you try to return something. I mean, it’s a long line. And they have carts after carts after carts pile with stuff that people are returning.
You don’t see that at Saks Fifth Avenue. Do you see my point now?
If you raise your prices, you’re going to have less aggravation. You’re going to attract a different kind of people in your business. If you are still thinking about how to raise your prices for your services.
I want to show five ways to do so. And once you start focusing on those five ways, you will double or even triple your prices instantly. Number one. Think of the law of association.
If you associate yourself with people who have a high energy level, your energy level automatically is going to go up and you’re going to attract the right people in your business.
You’re going to be able to double or even troupe all your fees. It’s that simple. I remember I was speaking at an event for Mark Victor Hansen. I don’t know if you remember Mark Victor Hansen.
He is the guy who created Chicken Soup for the Soul. Remember those books? If you’re old enough. They were all over the bookstores, right? Him and Mark, Mark, Victor Hansen, and Jack Canfield.
He invited me to keynote a conference for him in L.A. The name of it, I believe, was Maga speaking empire. And they told me to put a package together to sell at the event because back then it was like a big sales pitch.
I put some packages together, about three packages. One of them was ten thousand dollars. I know I was not going to sell that many, but the five thousand dollars in the middle was very enticing.
And I had one for twenty-five hundred dollars.
Sure enough, I sold a bunch of packages for five thousand dollars and twenty-five hundred dollars.
There was one lady who bought that ten thousand dollar package. Do you want to know why she bought it? She said to me, “Rene, I don’t need it. I already have the money. I’m doing extremely well.
She said, you know, I buy it. I said no. She said, “I want you to take me to the green room and introduce me to some of the speakers in there. And you don’t have to worry about delivering anything.”
I already gave your assistant a credit card. Let me give you another example. I had lunch with a guy who was pretty high up in the Atlanta Chamber of Commerce many years ago. About ten or fifteen years ago.
He said to me, Rene, I’m going to share a secret with you and don’t tell anybody. He said, if you joined the chamber at the 500 or a hundred dollar level, it’s not a good thing.
Because you will get invited to meetings where a bunch of people who are struggling, they have business cards.
They are asking each other business, but they have they don’t have much to offer you.
That’s the kind of people you’re going to vibrate with. That’s the kind of energy level. There’s nothing wrong with that.
If you’re talking about those big fees that you are in the speaker range, I would suggest you join the five thousand dollar level. That is the ambassador level.
You probably will get a call from somebody to invite you for a barbecue on a weekend at the in the backyard of the CEO of IBM, of Microsoft, of U.P.S., of Federal Express or whatever big company.
That’s the kind of invitation you will get. Why? Because you are an ambassador and you join the five thousand dollar level.
That’s the law of association. That’s what you have to associate yourself with those kinds of people to raise your energy level.
Number two, you need to raise your confidence level. You have to be confident when you ask for your fee. I remember when I went to ten thousand dollars for a keynote, the first call I got was from a place in Canada called Fort McMurray.
And if you’re from Canada, you know, they have a lot of money because they have a lot of oil. It’s a huge oil industry. They are close to Alberta, I believe.
When they asked me for my fee, I said ten thousand dollars. And immediately I said, is that within your budget? And I was ready to make some concessions or to negotiate my fee because I didn’t have that level of confidence to ask for ten thousand dollars.
And I remember the lady said, oh, sure, no problem.
She said, just bill us… bill us separately for your expenses. Because at ten thousand dollars, when you leave your house, you start charging the client for everything.
The limousine, the parking at the airport, or whatever it is. If your confidence level is low, you will not have the courage to double your fee or to triple your fee. It’s going to be very hard for you.
Number three, create the illusion of everywhere. Here’s what I mean by that.
Let’s say, I go to Facebook right now and I see you; your video. You are talking about whatever service you provide or you are giving people a behind the scenes look at how you do what you do.
And I switch to go to Microsoft and I see you again. I go to YouTube and I see you again. I go to CNN dot com. I see you again. I’m thinking like, wow, you are everywhere. But the reality is, you are not everywhere for everybody. You are everywhere for me. You are targeting me.
You know what that’s that’s called that’s called retargeting. Have you ever heard of something called behavioral response marketing? Well, it’s the same thing. It’s the illusion of everywhere.
What that is, is I can put a video on this video. I can Market or promote it on the Internet or Facebook or YouTube.
I put something in it and I say, hey, when people reach twenty-five percent of this video, I want you to create a separate audience for me right there. That’s on Facebook. Same thing for everywhere.
I want you to… when somebody watches the video for 10 percent, create an audience for me or 50 percent create an audience for me at this point based on this behavior. You watch my video for twenty twenty-five percent of my video.
I have another video that I want to show you because. Hey, you. Some kind of interest. Number four. That’s a quick one. You need to work on your brand, your personal brand at the end of the day, people will buy from people.
They will buy from you based on your brand. They will want to vibrate at your energy level because of your personal brand. That’s what I’m saying. Who you are as a person.
They want to connect with you. So that’s why you have to work on your personal brand as the person who is out there speaking on behalf of your company.
That’s why they need a face to communicate with. They are not communicating with your product. They are not communicating with your services. They just want a person to connect with. That’s called personal branding. Who you are as a person.
Finally, number five, be the definitive expert in your field, as the definitive expert in your field.
You want to start teaching. You want to start teaching little known facts that the market doesn’t know about your industry.
You start taking people behind the scene and show them how you do what you do. Your process. And then suddenly they start seeing you as THE go-to person.
The definitive expert. Another way to do so is to really attack the gurus. Yes, expose them. A lot of gurus out there. They all sort of like false gurus.
And when I say false gurus, you’ve seen them. You’ve seen people say a bunch of nonsense in your industry. And, you know, they don’t make sense. They are misleading people.
Be the one to take charge, to disseminate that kind of information.
How the gurus are misleading them. The moment you start showing people how the gurus are doing it wrong, immediately they see you as the expert. Your trust and credibility go way up there.
This is how you get to charge more for your services.
It will give you an idea of whether you are ready to change lives or not.
Second, I will share with you the #1 secret to become famous and get booked to speak. it’s going to be a HUGE aha for you!
However, I will share that in a video. So, make sure to check your inbox in a couple of days.
Now, let me tell you how to crush it in 2018. It’s no-brainer tip. Here’s it is…
Decide what you are MUST stop doing and start doing. Yep! It’s that easy. Simply put, get rid of some destructive habits and form new ones.
Take a good look at your finances, job, relationships, and spiritual life. If you don’t like what you see, it’s time to start and stop doing some things.
We cannot have your cake and eat it too. We must be willing to give up something to get something else.
Oh, I know you are a motivational speaker. This may sound cliche to you. But, don’t let the simplicity fool you, my friend. I’m serious.
Maybe it’s time to start focusing more on the vital few versus chasing the many.
Maybe it’s time to stop some destructive habits like eating or drinking the wrong stuff. Maybe it’s time to start exercising.
I don’t know what is it for you. As far as I know, you may have it all together. Your life may be perfect. If that’s the case, more power to you.
Well, not me. I definitely continue to add many things that I need to start and stop doing.
For example, I need to fully recover from perfectionism. I need to stop giving free advice to those who don’t follow through and appreciate it.
By the way, you need to do so as well. I have so much to say about this. It’s a whole new conversation. Very interesting, I might say.
Alright, please share with me what will you stop doing and start doing to get better results. Make a public declaration and commitment so our community can hold you accountable.
No pressure. Only if you want to.
I look forward to reading your comments. Take care.
“A man’s gift makes room for him And brings him before great men.” -Poverb 18:16
I woke up this morning thinking about you… Well, not just you. I was thinking everyone on my list. If you just happen to stumble upon this post, I was thinking about as well.
Have you heard the saying coincidence is God’s way of staying anonymous? That’s what I mean. There’s a reason why you landed here on this page.
Here’s what I was thinking:
When will you finally muster the courage to start sharing your gifts with the world? When will you say enough is enough; I want to start living my dreams?
How long have you been postponing or procrastinating on taking action? What’s stopping you? What are you waiting for? What are your fears?
I want you to serious start pondering those questions. You see, the moment you ask yourself those questions and answer them, you are well on your way.
You already know there is a calling on you. It’s a Divine calling. Your friends have been telling you about your gifts. They have been telling you can motivate and inspire.
People have been coming to you for advice. Your friends and family members come to you when they feel discouraged and uninspired.
Here’s what you need to keep in mind:
The more you procrastinate on using your gifts, the more you are causing suffering in the world.
Here’s what I mean:
Somewhere in the world, some people are emotionally hurting. They are depressed. Your words could be the medicine to ease their pains.
The reality is, it doesnt matter if your current situation is not what it should be. It doesn’t matter if you are broke. It doesn’t matter if you are struggling. None of that matter. Why?
Well, people by enlarge don’t care about your and your situation. All they care about is that you can heal them with your words. The best part is, while you are healing them, you are healing yourself.
I just had lunch with a lady who contacted me. She wanted to share with me the impact my message have had on her. She heard me speak twelve years ago.
When she started sharing with me, I was blown away!
I had no idea someone in that audience was on her last luck, crying every night, was there listening to me. I uttered the exact words she needed to hear.
I’m sure to some people I was speaking rubish or nonsense. But, to that lady, it was a Divine intervention! Are you getting it?
Today, she is doing exceptionally well as a successful business owner. Guess what?
She is a blue eyed blonde. I’m a Haitian from a poor village in Haiti. I have an accent. Our culture is very different. She graduated from a top university in the US. I have no degree.
It appears that we have nothing in common. Yet, we have everything in common. After all, we are a human race. One race. We are human beings! The only difference is that we wear a different garment or skin.
I was just a conduit. Those words she heard from my mouth didn’t just come to me out of nowhere. They came through me.
By the way, I have had the same impact on poor kids in my village in Haiti and other villages from around the world.
My point is, your gifts are not for you. They are for you to bless others. The Bible explains how your gifts will make room for you. They will allow you to meet great men and women.
Maybe you are praying for some doors to open for you. Well, using your gifts will swing open those doors faster than you might imagine. That’s the case for me.
I have met some fantastic and powerful people around the world on the speaking circuit.
My natural understanding would never allow me to imagine this. It takes an understanding that surpasses all worldly understanding. I’m talking about a supernatural understanding.
The thing is, most people think they are not good enough to start. They keep seeking more knowledge, approval, and acceptance.
No! You are more than ready. You have been pre-approved before you even came out of your mother’s womb.
When I coach others, I always start with mindset. You see, everything you see in existence came from the mind.
So, you and I cannot create anything without our inner game. Simply put, you have everything you need to achieve massive success. Your mind is your creation factory. Your sound mind is not for doubts, fears, and worries.
It is for you to create solutions to help and empower others to cope with their difficult times.
The Bible says your tongue has the power of life and death. First, you need to start speaking life on your life. Then you need to start speaking life on others.
When you utter some uplifting and encouraging words, you are speaking life.
Finally, stop doubting yourself. When you start thinking something negative, catch yourself. I know you have heard this before. But, it’s golden advice. Every negative word you use is another stumbling block you put on your way.
Let me know if you have any insights about this. What’s your feedback for me?
Let’s face it. You have a message to share with the world. The desire is burning deep inside of you. Speaking and transforming lives are your calling.
Friends and co-workers always tell you it’s time to start sharing your wisdom with the world.
Sometimes you feel like you are working hard in a thankless job. You are hoping one day you can tell your boss to kiss your rear end and walk away.
You want your life to matter. You want to make a difference with your gifts and talents. You want to obey God and start reaching out.
But, somehow, you feel trapped. You feel like the caterpillar that’s stuck inside the pouch. You’re struggling to burst out of the cocoon and fly.
But, you keep pushing and struggling to break that silky pouch without success. Somehow, you feel like you are running out of time. Am I right?
What’s the problem? Why can’t you just push through and start living your dream? What’s stopping you? The answer is…
Overwhelm. Fear. Uncertainty.
Fear and confusion have their grip on you. As a result, you don’t know what’s the first thing to do to start. You have way too many options.
God is calling you to make a contribution to humanity. On one hand, you want to obey the call. On the other, you are afraid and somewhat confused.
Perhaps you are like Moses. He kept saying he stutters and lacks the skill to lead the people out of Egypt.
You are building a case to prove God that you are not good enough. My friend, you already have the staff in your hand. Some of you know what I mean.
Can I tell you something? Your reluctance to proceed is all because of your fear.
Here’s the first thing I want you to understand:
Stop Worshiping Your Fear!
As you already know, you cannot serve two masters at the same time. It’s either you trust God or your fear.
Don’t let your thoughts hold you captive in a prison of your making. The key is to start. The actions you take are the cure for your discouragement. Read that again.
I know many of you are my coaching clients. You are already out there speaking. But most of you have yet to start.
What you are about to learn here will give you clear directions on how to get going. But it’s not just for beginners.
If you are a pro on the speaking circuit, this will be golden to you as well. It’s the kind of information I wish someone would share with me early my speaking career.
The thing is, seventeen years ago when I started speaking, you would do just fine without the formula you are about to learn. But things have changed dramatically.
Are you ready to dive in? Great!
1- Choose A Topic That Solves A Specific Problem
It’s not enough to get on stage and share stories, and feel-good words.
Whether you are speaking at a corporation, a non-profit, or school, you HAVE to solve a problem.
That’s why you must set a certain expectation the moment you get on stage. Make sure they understand your topic is the solution to a particular challenge.
It may be poor customer service, low morale, low productivity, or change resistance.
A non-profit might need ideas to raise money, recruit more motivated volunteers, etc.
A school might need help with bullying, peer pressure, career orientation, college preparation, etc.
For example:
I go through my attention-grabbing opening to make sure they are present in the room. Then I mention the title of my presentation…
No condition is permanent! Then I would say…
“How many of you agree with me we are living in some stressful and overwhelming times? Would also agree that rapid and disruptive changes make it harder to have a joyful day in the workplace?”
Then, I would let them know what to expect in the next 45 minutes.
Alright, this is not about how to deliver a spellbinding and mesmerizing presentation. In a moment, I’m going to share with you why knowing the problem is important. I will also share how to use it to get speaking engagements.
For now, ask yourself, “What problem my topic or message solves?”
Keep in mind people are willing to pay to get rid of problems. Of course, they want to feel good as well. But, they are more interested in improving their condition.
The school that is about to lose funding needs someone to help them improve behavior and grades.
The solution can be as simple as inspiring the students to focus and set goals.
By the way, lack of focus is a huge problem for high school and college students. Heck, it’s an issue for all of us.
2- Come Up With A Solution Framework
After you choose your topic, you need to create a structure. That’s how you position yourself as the thought leader and authority. That’s how to command respect and significant fees.
A framework is a blueprint. It’s how you offer a step-by-step formula to achieve a particular result or solution.
Come up with 3 to 7 steps for the blueprint. A good example is Stephen Covey’s 7 Habits of Highly Effective People
Habit 1: Be Proactive
Habit 2: Begin With The End In Mind
Habit 3: Put First Things First
Habit 4: Think Win-Win
Habit 5: Seek First to Understand Then to be Understood
Habit 6: Synergize
Habit 7: Sharpen the Saw
Do you see how simple the framework is? Companies all over the world are using it to train and develop their teams.
Yours doesn’t have to be seven. It can be three or five. It’s up to you.
Your framework can serve as the basis for a good outline for your book and products as well.
Each step or module is like an onion. Keep peeling the onion to uncover the sub-topics or sub-chapters.
3- Choose An Audience
Okay, you chose your topic or message. Now you need to choose a target market or an audience with the problem.
Above all, make sure the market has money to pay you. After all, you provide a transformation or solution to a pressing problem. You deserve adequate compensation.
Besides, it’s hard to make a significant impact without money. The more money you make, the more you can afford to reach more people.
If your market doesn’t have money, go with the sponsorship model. Look for companies that want to reach your market. And let your solution be the bridge that connects them.
Maybe you have a solution to help high school seniors thrive in college. Your target market would be high school seniors.
Maybe your framework can help boost morale or reduce stress for insurance agents. Maybe you are targeting call center employees.
For me, the insurance industry is my primary market.
Aflac is a big client. I have spoken in 38 states for them. Well, I should say territories instead of states. They tend to split the big states into separate regions and areas.
The reality is, everyone needs motivation. Everyone has problems. But, if you want to speed up the process and start landing speaking engagements fast, you gotta define your target market.
That doesn’t mean you will turn down requests from any group. No. Sometimes I speak for the real estate industry and many associations’ annual conferences.
But, you will get more gigs more often when you choose a primary target.
That way your marketing materials will be more magnetic. You will stand out more. You will command attention faster in a crowded marketplace with a gazillion motivational speakers.
Does that make sense to you?
You can have a secondary market as well. But, keep it simple. Go after one primary market. I don’t want to you complicate this process.
4- Create A Marketing And Positioning Tool
Earlier, I mentioned the need to solve a problem. I also promised to share with you why and how to use it to promote yourself.
At this point, you want to create a piece of content that offers a sample of your solution or transformation. You are now ready to create a compelling and powerful marketing tool.
Make a list of 3 to 5 ways to solve a particular problem. Insert the target market in the title. Example:
5 Ways Insurance Agents Can Reduce Stress.
5 Ways School Principals Can Get Rid Of Bullying.
Create a special report, CD, or DVD with the list. You want to create all three of them. Don’t worry. It’ s a lot easier than you might think. Here’s how to create all three at once.
Create the video for your DVD
Extract the audio from the video for the CD
Have someone transcribe the audio for the special report
Now, if you love writing, you might want to reverse the process. Write the special report first. Then copy and paste it in this Online Teleprompter on your computer. Read it while standing in front of your video camera. Next, extract the audio from the video.
5 – It’s Time To Launch Your Campaign
Once you have your physical things, you are ready to market. That one piece of content is your marketing weapon to secure speaking engagements.
You want to go after free speaking engagements so you can get some platform experience or hours. Okay, let me clarify something here.
There’s no such thing as free speeches. You are marketing on stage. You are there to promote yourself for paid opportunities.
In fact, you should start marketing to the Civic Clubs (Optimist, Kiwanis, Rotary, etc.) and companies at the same time. Go here to find a list of Civic Clubs.
Next, make a list of 50 companies you want to speak for in your city. That’s what I call “your target 50” Yes, start in your local area first.
Send your DVD, CD, and Special Report to some key people within the organization. Make sure you also include a cover letter and a one-pager.
Notice I didn’t say 500 companies. Why?
Okay, there are two reasons for that. The first reason is to save you money. It’s more inexpensive to mail to 50 people. Do you agree?
The other reason is that I want you to go for many touch points. You will get better results mailing to 50 people ten times than mailing to 500 people once.
It’s not enough to reach out one time. You will need at least seven or more exposures.
Send the special report, CD, and DVD via the post office one week apart. You also want to send a few emails each time you mail to follow up and make sure they receive your package.
Once they consume your content, you’ll be ready to get on the phone to close some deals.
Often, if you do a good job defining the problem, they will book you without a phone call. Provide you give them a taste of the solution.
Oh, I forgot to mention that the purpose the report, CD, and DVD is to sell yourself. So, you must make you there’s a call to action. Mention you are ready to join forces with them to help solve the problem.
At this point, you may be thinking, “why not put the video, audio, and report on my site?” Great question!
By all means, put them on your site. Do so for the people on social media and search engines. But, let me share this with you…
Your prospect arrives at work. There’s a hand addressed package waiting for him or her with a CD or DVD or a report.
In the meantime, there’s an email waiting for him or her among one hundred others with a link to watch a video.
Which one will get top priority?
That’s my point!
Your package is NOT competing with any other packages. Especially if you write the address on the package with a blue pen.
The best part is, your face or name will stay in front of them for a long time. Why?
People do not throw away CDs or DVDs that promise them to solve a problem.
That said, you still need to send the electronic (email) version in the mix.
I’m hoping, you get the main idea. It’s a simple process. I challenge you not to complicate it.
I’m not sure if you really get the steps I shared with you. Let me know if you have any questions.
I just finished coaching a client, and I was shocked at a couple of things she said. I could not believe it!
She basically gave me all the excuses in the book in order to avoid drumming up some speaking engagements. She told me that she was too busy to go out and meet people. She also said that she is shy.
If you are a shy motivational speaker, you need to do something about it now or find another profession.
How in the world can someone be a motivational speaker and he or she is shy? I don’t get it.
Now, I am not saying you cannot be shy. After all, I was a very shy person. My first speaking engagement at a Toastmaster Club was a disaster. Yes, I bombed. I was extremely shy. My hands were shaking with the lectern.
Well, when I realized there’s no way I could become a highly paid keynote speaker by being a shy motivational speaker, I fixed that quick. I know what you are thinking.
“How did you get over you shyness, Rene?”
The answer is simple:
I nipped it in the bud by telling myself to cut that out
I put myself in situations to confront my shyness
I did what I was afraid of
I wish I had a real secret to share with you about being shy. But, I don’t. You simply have to confront your fears. Dare to do the things that scare the hell out of you in spite of your fear. Got it?
Look, you did not come out of your mother’s womb as a shy person. Something happened along the way when you were a kid. Perhaps you grew up with shy people. I don’t know. What you must keep in mind is this; you can go from shyness to courage if you want to.
Sorry. I digressed. Here’s the fundamental lesson I want to share with you here.
You cannot build a business incognito. Stop being invisible. You are not in the secret service. You are running a business. And it makes absolutely no difference what business you are in.
Meeting Planners Cannot Hire You To Speak If They Don’t Know You Exist.
They cannot buy your products or services if they don’t know about them. You have to be everywhere. People have to know and remember you.
Your calendar should never have a bunch of blank spots in it
Go where the people gather
Make sure every week that you, at least, attend three networking events
In the US and Canada, there are hundreds of networking events every day. If your country or city does not have those kinds of events, create yours. Bring some businesses together to share ideas and leads. Invite some people to come and discuss how to get ahead in life.
To this day, some of my best clients come from the networking events I attend. Sometimes, I make a connection with a person who is not in a position to hire me. But, guess what?
They know someone they can refer me to. At the very least, they can buy my book, CD, or DVD. In some cases, they have an idea I can use to build my business. Please do not prejudge anyone.
Do you see what I mean?
Oh, just for the records, my client gave me the permission to write this. She felt like my feedback was awesome. She wanted to make sure all of you learn about it.
Just like her, she wants you to pledge that you will never be a shy motivational speaker. Be visible! Go tell the world about what you do. Let others feel your passion and fire.
By the way, stop being invisible now and here. People need to know about you. Share your feedback with me.
Well, think before you leap and quit your job to become a motivational speaker. And I do mean think.
Although I didn’t have kids when I started, I still had to pay my bills and eat. I couldn’t quit my job cold turkey not knowing when and where the next paycheck would come from. You can call me coward or chicken if you want. But you are not going to call me stupid.
I never forgot this lady with a beaming smile on her face. She came to announce to me that she quit her job to pursue her speaking. I mean… She was so excited. She felt like it was the best decision (more…)