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How To Book Speaking Engagements Now and Beyond

by | Make Money Speaking | 8 comments

Add more speaking dates on your calendar this year

How is your speaking business going? Are you booking any gigs for this new year? Chances are, you may not be booking that many. Why?

I have had many conversations with some of my buddies who were very hot in on the speaking circuit. Now, they are not getting that much traction. I know exactly what they are talking about. The game has changed dramatically. All of us speakers can feel the pinch.

Without going into too many details, let’s say the people you would expect to see on the stages today are remarkably different. I know a guy who’s commanding 150, 0000 dollars for one keynote. He wears a t-shirt, jeans, and tennis shoes. And he curses a lot. That’s just one example out of so many.

Why Speakers Struggle To Get Paid Speaking Gigs

Here’s a short list of the kind of people getting the speaking gigs today: Politicians, celebrity bloggers, youtube stars, highly controversial figures, retired executives, TED speakers, scientists, college and university professors, etc.

Do you see yourself on that list? Probably not. I know I’m definitely not on it. Does that mean we should give up? The answer is NO!

That means we need to change our approach. The old ways we used to get speaking gigs don’t work anymore.

Meeting Planners Won’t Talk To You

Do you remember when we used to pick up the phone and talk to a meeting planner? Guess what? They don’t want to talk on the phone anymore. In fact, they don’t want to find them. They want to find you.

I have booked so many engagements and never talk to the client until I get to the speaking venue. Here’s the kicker: After I give the talk and get a standing ovation, they still don’t take my call. I have to send an email.

So, stop chasing meeting planners or speakers bureaus. They are running away from us. They are ignoring us. Now, I’m not mad. People are busier than ever. They are turning off advertising and promotions. If anything smells like a pitch, they will ignore you. That’s why we are paying extra to block the ads.

The Good News For New And Veteran Speakers

The good news is, there are more opportunities today than ever. The meeting industry is not disappearing. We are, first and foremost, social animals. We must meet and socialize.

We badly need more encouragement and inspiration. We are more worried, confused, uncertain and disturbed. Here’s an eye opener for you?

There are 7.7 billion people on this planet. So many of those would never, ever listen and pay attention to me or any of the above speaker types I mentioned above. They want to hear from you and only you.

They don’t about my story from a poor village in Haiti. They don’t’ care about anything I have to say. They only care about what you have to say. They just want to connect with you. Why?

It’s because your star is lined up with them. It’s because your story and life are almost precisely the same as theirs. I’m talking about millions out of the seven billion people. Here’s the best part:

1,000 People at $1,000 = $1,000,000

You don’t need millions. You only need to resonate and connect with 1,000 people who would pay you $1,000 to make one million dollars. You can get that with speaking, coaching, consulting, digital products, etc. Do you see my point?

Simply put, you only need to uplift and make a difference in the lives of one thousand people. The rippling effect could be huge since each one those individuals will, in turn, touch other lives.

All it would take is for you to capture their attention. To do so, you authentically speak from your heart to theirs. You tell your truth to resonate with your potential fans and inadvertently repel all those who are not aligned with your truth.

How To Get Event Planners To Pay Attention To You

Create the right content that grabs attention. Did you know that attention is the most priceless currency today? That’s right! It’s extremely difficult to get others to notice. This is a noisy world. So many people are yelling and begging for attention.

You must create content that resonates with a group of people who are going through what you have been through. People who connect with you and want to learn from you!

Start creating videos like this one to upload to Youtube. And share your truth using the right keyword that would cause Youtube to show your video to your potential tribe. Oh, you don’t like being in front of a video camera? No problem.

Click on this image to subscribe to my channel.

Audios Will Soon Win The Battle Over Videos

Believe it or not, in the future, audio will be the #1 medium to connect with your fans. Here is why:

Every home will have an Amazon Echo with Alexa or Google Home or Siri. People will no longer use their hands to type. They will speak and ask their questions. It’s like someone wakes up and say, “Alexa, how to do I increase my daughter’s self-esteem?” Bam! You have a video or a podcast about that.

Or while in conversation with a single mother she mentions her struggle with raising a teenage daughter. Bam! You tell her I have a video or podcast about that subject. Am I making sense to you?

Did you know that you can create a Podcast right now for free using your smartphone? It’s ridiculously simple! In fact, let me know if you want me to share some tips about with you. This post is already too long to address that.

Think about it this way: Most people don’t have time to sit and watch videos. They want to listen while cleaning the house, driving or exercising.

In conclusion, that’s the new way meeting or event planners will stumble upon your content on social media or online. Hope that helps. Let me know if you have any questions.

As I mentioned to you before, do pay attention to what I am doing on Youtube and elsewhere. Pick up the clues and model success. Watch this video. Leave a comment.


  1. Sharat Ralhan

    Precious Advice, Rene. We are in a world where there is a glut of information which in turn is diminishing our attention. But I agree that attention is the priceless currency and holding attention is the mantra here. Thank you for sharing your precious views…!!!

    • Rene Godefroy

      Excellent Sharat! Thank you for your feedback. Keep pressing on!

  2. Carolyn Overcash

    Ok, so I’ve got the free product, I’ve got a message. Now I’ve got to make that message come from a personal viewpoint so that it resonates in their minds to a shared experience. Doesn’t matter if I speaking to one or a hundred, I’m still speaking to each member of that audience one-on-one. However, I don’t know anything about podcasts or youtube vidos.

    • Rene Godefroy

      Oh wow! Thanks for letting me know Carolyn. I will create some content to help with those.

  3. Joe Libby

    Great advice and a great strategy, Rene. Thank you for sharing it!!

    • Rene Godefroy

      Right on Joe. Thanks for your feedback, my friend.

  4. Anya Edwards

    Wonderful advice! Thank you!


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