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The Shy Motivational Speaker Will Go Broke Soon Or Later

by | Become A Motivational Speaker, Make Money Speaking | 22 comments

Shy Motivational Speaker

I just finished coaching a client, and I was shocked at a couple of things she said. I could not believe it!

She basically gave me all the excuses in the book in order to avoid drumming up some speaking engagements. She told me that she was too busy to go out and meet people. She also said that she is shy.


If you are a shy motivational speaker, you need to do something about it now or find another profession.

How in the world can someone be a motivational speaker and he or she is shy? I don’t get it.

Now, I am not saying you cannot be shy. After all, I was a very shy person. My first speaking engagement at a Toastmaster Club was a disaster. Yes, I bombed. I was extremely shy. My hands were shaking with the lectern.

Well, when I realized there’s no way I could become a highly paid keynote speaker by being a shy motivational speaker, I fixed that quick. I know what you are thinking.

“How did you get over you shyness, Rene?”

The answer is simple:

  1. I nipped it in the bud by telling myself to cut that out
  2. I put myself in situations to confront my shyness
  3. I did what I was afraid of

I wish I had a real secret to share with you about being shy. But, I don’t. You simply have to confront your fears. Dare to do the things that scare the hell out of you in spite of your fear. Got it?

Look, you did not come out of your mother’s womb as a shy person. Something happened along the way when you were a kid. Perhaps you grew up with shy people. I don’t know. What you must keep in mind is this; you can go from shyness to courage if you want to.

Sorry. I digressed. Here’s the fundamental lesson I want to share with you here.

You cannot build a business incognito. Stop being invisible. You are not in the secret service. You are running a business. And it makes absolutely no difference what business you are in.

Meeting Planners Cannot Hire You To Speak If They Don’t Know You Exist.

They cannot buy your products or services if they don’t know about them. You have to be everywhere. People have to know and remember you.

  1. Your calendar should never have a bunch of blank spots in it
  2. Go where the people gather
  3. Make sure every week that you, at least, attend three networking events

In the US and Canada, there are hundreds of networking events every day. If your country or city does not have those kinds of events, create yours. Bring some businesses together to share ideas and leads. Invite some people to come and discuss how to get ahead in life.

To this day, some of my best clients come from the networking events I attend. Sometimes, I make a connection with a person who is not in a position to hire me. But, guess what?

They know someone they can refer me to. At the very least, they can buy my book, CD, or DVD. In some cases, they have an idea I can use to build my business. Please do not prejudge anyone.

Do you see what I mean?

Oh, just for the records, my client gave me the permission to write this. She felt like my feedback was awesome. She wanted to make sure all of you learn about it.

Just like her, she wants you to pledge that you will never be a shy motivational speaker. Be visible! Go tell the world about what you do. Let others feel your passion and fire.

By the way, stop being invisible now and here. People need to know about you. Share your feedback with me.


  1. Godbless

    Thanks soo much for this Advice.
    I have a dream of becoming a motivational speaker but I’m shy and afraid sometimes,something pushes me to go out and talk and give advice to people but I’m shy.

  2. Julie

    True, Rene. The very best way to connect with people is face to face. It’s much harder for someone to tell you no when they’re looking in your eyes. Email can be deleted or ignored, and often is.

  3. Clive

    I have read everybodies responds in what you have written;which is very good.I have realised that our biggest fear is,that we sometimes doubed within ourselves.We battle with ourselves,that means that we dont know our abilities and our potential.I dont have that fear like most of us have like, I dont know how to start talking infront of people,some also said,what will the people say.I personally know can do this,but really first want to journey with the experts,to build some more experience.Thanks my brother!

  4. Venus

    I am that person, who always try to hide n be invisible in a group. But I find it hard because no matter how I try people still notice me. And after I come across your site, I finally know why.
    Because that’s not me, and that’s not what I really want!
    I actually want to be notice, but at the same time I’m too concern about what others will think of me. Some bad memories that happened become the fear that’s holding me back.
    Now I know it’s time to change. Thank you very much 🙂

  5. Cornelius


    Thank you very much Sir. These are AWESOME thoughts and ideas that I WILL implement daily. Since the last email that I received from you a few weeks ago I have Titles for 2 books that I am gather information to write and at least 12 chapters to write about so far. I am also organizing My Story so that I can articulate and deliver it in a professional manner once I am on that 1st Motivational and or Keynote Speaker stage. As a Christ Believing Preacher, the speaking most of the times may not be too challenging, but articulating the delivery so that it doesn’t come across too preachy, if you know what I mean, can be very challenging sometimes. Nevertheless, Sir you and the information that you have provided me have been and ARE a GREAT INSPIRATION to me and I WILL acknowledge you in each of my books when they are written and on stage when I am speaking.

    Thank you, Sir

    Cornelius Johnson

  6. Kim

    I am a counselor and your comment regarding going from Shy to Courageous is absolutely true! I’ve worked with clients who have made 180 degree turn – not because “I” counseled them, but because thru counseling “they” made different choices!!! I love your stuff Rene!!

  7. Tony

    Rene, this is excellent information. I have a basketball training business ( that I want to improve and expand on. I already have some clients now but reading this has helped me to want to do more. I am glad I came across this. If you have more articles like the above that could motivate more, I would certainly love to read them.

  8. Abbey

    Anytime I read your article, it’s as if you are speaking directly to me! Thanks a lot, Rene! Keep on touching our lives with your inspirational messages! God bless you!

    • Rene Godefroy

      Thank you Abbey. I will keep on sharing my inspirational messages.

  9. Amazin

    Thanks Rene first for your continued commitment to giving back, and second for the great tips you provide, keep up the AWESOME job!!!

  10. Kevin

    Hey Rene, you are right on the money, you have to be visible, and shyness don’t get it. Rene it’s always a pleasure to hear from you.

  11. Cynthia

    Hi Rene! Thanks. I soooo needed this. I am emerging speaker and need to fill my calendar. I will do MORE networking. Thanks again!

    • Rene Godefroy

      No problem Cynthia. I’m glad can help. Dominate your community. Be known. Be visible.

  12. Paul Mutebi

    You always anspire me Rene. I used to struggle with speaking in public because i have an african accent in the USA..
    Thank you again Rene.

    • Rene Godefroy

      I’m glad I can inspire you in some way. It’s not about the accent. It’s about your authenticity and transparency. The audience will bypass your accent and connect with you through the emotions you are conveying.

      In fact, it’s a great thing to acknowledge your accent right from the beginning. Don’t apologize. Just make fun of yourself. Self-effacing humor. Do you see what I mean?

  13. Mark Thompson

    Hey Rene,
    It’s always a pleasure hear a few tips from you. I think you are 100% right. The personal touch is always better than the paper touch (advertising). I’ve been doing more email and paper advertising, which does work for me. My next step is to attend at least one local Chamber of Commerce meeting in the next 10 days. For some reason I stopped doing the people meet-up thing and I don’t know why. My goal is to attend at least three connection meetings per week. Sometimes it is very easy to make things complicated. The best advertising is just getting out there and meeting people.

    • Rene Godefroy

      Excellent Mark! You are marketing yourself well. Now if you can simply multiply your efforts by ten or twenty, you’d get ten or twenty times more results. Thanks for sharing your marketing strategies with us. You are a pro!

  14. Marinus Wieten

    Hi Rene,

    Wonderful article and so true, thank you for sharing.

    • thomas bag

      Thanks Rene for your advice, indeed we are shy for what we are, I do have positive things to do in life that will put me one step ahead, the thing is, where do I start? Fear of the unknown is troubling me.
      The other problem is my life partner, she cannot move with my speed, I try to put things theoritically before practical part of it, she will derail me. what am I suppose to do in this kind of situation, in order for her to see the real world.

    • Muritala K

      Dis is a great one Rene. Exactly was I needed at dis time. Thks nd weldone.


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