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Touching Base

by | Speaking | 2 comments

Wow! What a nasty flu? I was in bed for three days during the Holidays. Thank God I’m back to my normal routines. Calling clients and booking speaking engagements. Yes, that’s one part of your speaking business you should not totally outsource.


I’m really happy many of you watched the videos and took the right actions in 2013. Some of you finished your books. Some of you are still working hard at it. Others secured some really cool speaking engagements. Queen booked engagements in 9 states. Kudos!

For the rest of you who are still analyzing, debating, and perfecting, I say to you let’s do something. Anything. Success is not hard when stick with the fundamentals. Ever day, do something that brings you closer to your goals. Thinking is the key to success. Doing is the key.

Heck, some of you already gave up. You declared defeat before starting the battle let alone being mired in blood, sweat, tears, and eating peanut butter sandwich.

Look, success should be your ONLY option.

As I said to you before, I wish someone took the time to share all the information I share in the videos with me when I first started in the speaking business many years ago. I would gladly pay good money for it.

I was so lost!

It took years before I was able to discover some of the insights I shared with you. I never forget how I trembled when I pulled out my pen to write a check for $12,000 to attend a speaking
bootcamp. I just didn’t have that kind of money. I maxed out all my credit cards (cash advances) and eventually took a second mortgage on my house.

I was desperate, dumb, and naive at the same time. But, in a way, I’m glad I was all of that.

If you are getting started today, you are really lucky. Everything you need to get going is extremely inexpensive. If you watched all the videos I created for you, you should be well on your way.

Yes, some of you are grateful. Yet, others, for whatever reason, think they paid for the information. Just two days ago, a guy left this voice message, “I just ordered your free videos and I didn’t get the first one yet. Please have someone from your office call me ASAP.”

I laughed so loud.

Then I realized maybe I should charge for the videos. After all, it took me hours of my time to prepare and record. Plus my editor, Dennis, spend hours edidting and uploading.

Alright, enough ranting. Just promise yourself you are not going to let your dream die a slow death. Please revive it. Breath new life into it. Declare victory now. Stop depriving the world from your unique gifts.

Let’s go for it!



  1. Lydor Brunice

    Hello Rene
    Thank you for your insight, wisdom, and secret that you had shared to me concerning how to maximize myself by using a Book as a business card to build credibility and to sell myself.

    Secondly, thank you for the target point of exposition like Clubs and many other places that looking for Professional Motivational Speakers.

    Thirdly, Thank you for revealing the secret that I was to make a difference in my generation, the more I develop my communication skills in order to inspire people including my personal history, to more I will become myself and financially stable.

    Finally, Thank you very much and may God bless you Rene.

  2. Ron Westrupp

    Hi Rene ,
    Thank you so much for sharing your testimony on how you got started , certainly most inspiring .
    What I appreciated most was when you shared many are waiting for permission, this really hit home to me in my quest to seek after my goals and dreams to be a motivational speaker .
    Everything shared has certainly cleared a clear pathway to reaching my life time ambition .
    So looking forward to the rest of the other videos .


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