For Authors | Speakers | Coaches | Pastors | Entrepreneurs | Entertainers

Lesson #7: Do Not Complicate it! Keep it Simple

Over Simplication!

You should hurry up and write your book fast. It will give you tremendous credibility in the marketplace. In this video, you will learn the secrets of how to write a book.


Question for me? Scroll down to ask me.


  1. Martin Howard

    Rene, I am interested. I am in the process of writing a book now after watching one of your videos. I told my wife that I want to make a living writing books and speaking to people. I have watched several YouTube videos and the videos on your website helping me to prepare to do just that. Thank you sir.

    • Rene Godefroy

      Excellent! Glad I was able to nudge you to start living your dream my friend. Please don’t let any circumstance or people discourage nor distract. What you are seeking is seeking you as well. Keep pressing on!

  2. Anthenia Phuku


    i’m committed to be part of the impactful speakers as part of Rene’s vision. My contact number is +27647585056

    • Rene Godefroy

      Right on! We will let you know. In the meantime, keep pressing on. Don’t let your wait be the obstacle in your way. Go after your dream as if there are endless opportunities out there… regardless of your current situation or environment.

  3. Bonita

    Definitely part of the 1000…..

  4. Sadaf Rabbani

    Amazed and inspired.
    Anxious and enthusiastic.
    Committed and passionate.
    Count me in.

  5. Richard Deemer

    Thanks for another great video. Looking forward to hearing about your mission and joining with you to make a positive impact on peoples’ lives.

  6. Beverly Macklin

    I don’t know if I have missed the timing, but I truly want to be a part of your 1000. Your videos have be a major help to me and I have started following what your given.

  7. Maria

    Dear Rene,

    Thank you for sharing all your stories and experieces with people like us who want to make a difference.

    I’m very interested to become one of yours 1.000 people if I haven’t bumped into this oportunity too late.

    I’m very excited and looking forward to start working on my dream.

    Thank you,

  8. Tonya E.

    Good evening Rene,
    I am enjoying the videos that you have sent to me. I’m also very much interested in being one of the thousand that you spoke of, however. I’m noticing the comments for this video as well as many others are from last year. Summer even as far back as five years ago. So my question is are you doing this again or is this just an old video that you sent to me. Either way I’m still enjoying them and I’m looking forward to one day meeting/working with you.

    • Rene Godefroy

      We will let you know once it’s available again.

  9. Azeez Lawal

    Hi Rene,

    I appreciate your effort and assistance in getting people to listen to what I have to change their world.Thank you in a million for the videos.

    I was left wondering why both video 3 and video 7 are named how to write your book, even the training information is the same except for the videos of course. Is it deliberate or unintentional?

    Best Regards,


  10. Azeez Lawal

    Hi Rene,

    Thank you for the videos.

    I am left to wonder why both video 3 and video 7 are both named how to write your book, even the training information is the name, except the video of course. Is this deliberate, unintentional or a mistake?

    Hope to hear from you soon.

    Best regards,


  11. Brittany Brown

    I am interested and commited to being one of your 1000 people, thank you!!

  12. John Njahia

    Thanks again Rene, that was a wonderful message about simplification. You are right sometime we think we are not good enough and our message has already been said, but as am writing my book it is occurring to me i have something to tell people. Yes people are waiting to hear it as simple as it it. Yes each one of us can only do a little but all of us can do a lot. I will be honoured to be part of your 1000 people to make a difference. Am dying to go out there and make a difference. For me its so urgent, i feel as if am running out of time. My Tel +447423065301. God bless you Rene.

  13. larrnce lewis

    I am currently a toastmaster I been a toastmaster member for about 3years I like public speaking im very interested. however I jus done my ice breaker know im on my second speech.

  14. Art

    Hi Rene,
    We have already connected, I don’t know if you got my last e-mail so I will say it again. I put my Manifesto together and now I am writing my book after I heard you say keep it to 100 pages. I am cutting down a much larger book I started and adding some more profound things I have learned in the last year or so. Thanks Take Care Art

  15. teamika jeffrey

    I am interested and willing to do what every it takes. Thanks for the words, I am currently in the process of writing my 1st book. I have been an entrepreneur for 10 years. I am now ready to become a motivational speaker and regurgitate my stories.

  16. Keeke Kawaii

    Sac Passe Rene!
    I’m one in 1000 of your group on a mission! I’m very ready to change/save lives! Let’s work!

  17. Uday

    Dear Rene
    Would be interested to be part of 1000 speakers.

  18. Candace Hill

    Dear Rene,
    I believe there are no accidents in our life and to find you at this time in my life is perfect. I have been doing speaking for over 10 years but only part time and I feel I need to take myself to the next level. I sat one day recently and said what makes me the most happy and will support me financially. The thought was as Motivational Speaker and Storyteller.

    I am Aboriginal and live in Canada and plan now to do this full time as you shared we all have gifts and they are our Give – Away to help others!

    I follow my Aboriginal culture as a Traditional Healer and I know my purpose here and that is to Serve the People so if I can follow my hearts desire and support myself financially then I am fulfilling my purpose here at this time of big changes and people need hope and faith that we can make this world a place of true Peace-Justice-Freedom for all.

    That being said I would be most honoured to be part of your 1,000 people.

    Love & Light
    Candace Hill – brown bear woman

    • Rene Godefroy

      Wonderful Candace! Now is the time to follow your bliss. You are so much closer than you might imagine. Keep the momentum going!

      • Randall Cottrell

        I have written a draft of my book and I’m working with an editor now to get ready for publishing. I have a proven algorithm on how to pick the right opportunities. I am interested in the 1000 strong program. Also, I love Haiti, I stayed in Barbancourt for a while and I’ll be back in Haiti next year. As far as public speaking, it’s in my blood and my destiny. I practice my algorithm on people but generally I just motivate and encourage anybody I can. I study leadership and my favorite guy is the late Myles Munroe. Lastly, my commitment to speaking is serious. I’m finishing my pilots license now so I can travel efficiently and unimpeded. I bought a slow airplane and got rid of it. I want to get an aircraft fast enough to allow me to speak in two or three states in one day. I have a website as well.

        • Rene Godefroy

          Hi Randall

          You are very close to achieving high-level status. Leadership is a great topic. However, you need some stories or case studies about your personal experience with leadership, especially if you want to speak to corporations.

          Based on your comment, I have not doubt that you have the kind of experience I’m describing. It really depends on the market you choose.

          For the education or non-profit market, you should be just fine. It’s a matter of engineering your credibility. The amazing thing is, once you boost your credibility, you can talk about pretty much anything.

          When I get off the stage, people come and ask me all kind of questions about business, relationship, or lifestyle. It’s almost as if they want to hear whatever topic I decide to speak on. That said, I try to stay in my lane.

          Yes, get that faster airplane so we can fly to Haiti.

          By the way, you can use the process of flying an airplane to explain leadership concepts. I’m not sure what you mean by a proven algorithm to pick the right opportunities.

  19. Olumide Opeke

    I hope this offer still stands? I’m interested to be a part of a team that have a vision and same mission ! kindly consider this as a sign up to be a part of the chosen 1000.

    I’m a Nigerian…phone number +2348099441686

    thanks Rene

  20. Ravin

    Dear Rene,
    I have been watching all your videos with great interest and they are indeed empowering. I am a secondary school teacher for the past 40 years and have always been addressing students in the morning assembly, in classes, in special meetings… to motivate them to fulfill their dreams. From your videos I’ve learnt the basics…about the importance of :writing a book, making videos,telling the stories( I’ve plenty), having a strong philosophy. I am in for the 1000 speakers ! I live on an island ‘Mauritius ( just like Haiti where we have also a creole language !) .Ready to work with you!

    • Rene Godefroy

      Wow! I have never heard of your Island. That’s cool! Now, the key is to start applying the info you learned. Okay, I’m sorry that I have been delaying launching the 1,000 speakers strong. It’s because of time. However, when I do, you will know about it.

  21. Ariandra Cuevas

    I am all in!!!! AND extremely excited!!!! It is amazing to know that there are people in this world that share the same dream as me. I hope I am not to late.

    • Rene Godefroy

      Absolutely! I can feel your excitement and passion. Please, please don’t let the fire in you die. It’s easy to allow others to rain on our parade. Continue to take consistent action daily. Even if it feels like you are progressing, keep taking action. Learn through repetitions and corrections.

  22. Jared

    Mr. Rene,

    I have watched all of your videos so far and I would like to say that I am 100% committed to being apart of the 1000 strong. I have a powerful voice as well as powerful messages that can inspire thousands or even millions of people across the word. I am about to finish writing my first book. I am ready to begin this amazing journey with you and the other 999 people to bring your vision to life.

    • Rene Godefroy

      Amazing! Stay committed to your words. God will not let them come back void unto you. It shall be! Press on!

  23. Pamela Robinson

    Dear Rene, I am very interested in joining you on this endeavor. I am very excited and can’t wait.

  24. Pamela Robinson

    Dear Rene, I have been watching your videos and they are very informative and I have learnt so much. Thank you for this great work, thank you for sharing such information for free. I am closer too achieving my goal as a public speaker from listening to yo

  25. Carolyn

    In this day and age, we are constantly bombarded with information. Internet, newspapers, magazines. I noticed that my 3 year old daughter would stop and watch the commercials on television, even when she wasn’t watching the program but playing with the television functioning as background music.

    “Why did she watch the commercials but not the program?” you might ask.

    I believe she did so for the following reasons…louder sound/music, brighter crisper lighting on screen, faster motion/movement on screen, 30 seconds or less time limit on commercials. When the commercial stopped my daughter resumed playing.

    If you watch the teens and young adults on their electronic phones today, you’ll notice that they are jumping constantly from one function/site to another. Their concentration on one topic seems to be a short one. Their childhood environments included constant exposure to commercials on television as well as handheld computer games.

    So, if I’m giving a speech I’ll need to get to the point quickly before I lose the audience members’s interest.Then I can add the stories and repeat the import points, just to make sure they understand the important points.

    • Rene Godefroy

      Awesome observation Carolyn. You are right. Let me add something here. You can do all of that within the story.

      At the end of the day, no one will remember your points. They will remember your stories. Assuming you tell them well.

      In the story, you can go louder, softer, faster, and use your hands, face, arms, legs, etc. You have the freedom to really illustrate your points within the story.

      That’s why I always request a wireless lavaliere microphone. I need my two hands to capture attention.

  26. Bonisile Molefe

    Hi Rene

    I’m Bonisile Molefe. I’m determine to become a motivational speaker and ready to travel. I am prepared to do whatever necessary to develop in this field.

    Please add me to be one of a thousand you require. My cell number is 0790585591. Please give me a chance to prove myself. I’m in South Africa and I’m 38.

    Thanking you in advance.

    Kind regards

    Bonisile Molefe

    • Rene Godefroy

      Hi Bonisile,

      Glad you are committed. We will let you know when the 1,000 strong will be launched.

  27. Bonisile Molefe

    Hi Rene

    I’ want to be one of the thousand. I’ll do whatever it takes because I’m sure I’m called to do this.



  28. Ian Waddilove

    Hi Rene,

    I have been watching your videos to date with great interest. And with your way of delivering the message I have found your guidance to be fascinating. I am in the process of developing myself and am looking for people to help also. As my skill set has, I thought, been lacking in public speaking etc, and after finding your video series, I have now found that I can do what I need to do once I have learnt the how.

    I am extremely interested in learning more of your vision and how we can work together to achieve great things for those around us. Please keep me in the loop and let me know when the program gets off the ground.

    I look forward to watching more from you.

    God bless and kind regards


    • Rene Godefroy


      If you want to work with me, please visit the coaching link. Glad you are ready to start living that dream.

  29. Jason P

    I am interested in joining the circle. Helping people is a passion of mine and I feel I have a great story to share and inspire people. I would love for the opportunity to work with you

    • Rene Godefroy

      Hi Jason.

      To work with me, check out the coaching link on this site. Once you signed up, Lisa will schedule your appointments.

  30. lennart Lundstrøm

    I know Im qualified.
    I know I got what it takes.
    I got the stories, I got the commitment. Heck Ive spend the last few weeks, sleepless about it.

    I want it, and Ill get it somehow.
    Only challenge at the moment, Im in Denmark and you are in the States.
    Ill figure it out.

    • Rene Godefroy

      Lennart, there are no longer any borders or barriers. This is a new world. Consider I’m next door to you.

      I’m glad you declare it. I know you will make it. You are already doing the right things. Keep pressing on!

  31. Phindi Msomi

    Good Day Rene

    I am interested in being among your 1000 I am just not sure how much it will cost for a unemployed single mom. This is what I have always aspired to do, I am often asked to be MC at parties and events for friends and family as they say I can speak well.

    Looking forward to hearing from you


    • Rene Godefroy

      Great! We will let you know. In the meantime, apply everything you are learning in the videos to get going.

  32. Petra Groves

    Rene, thanks for video #7. As usual it was informative and the gentle reminders are welcomed with open arms. The worldwide quest you have envisioned is truly commendable. However I too have my own vision of which I want to run with particularly to my islands Trinidad and Tobago. I have already began putting things in place for creating my book and one pager to introduce myself as a professional speaker. This is my passion. This is my dream. Doing this has finally given me the confidence and determination to be a renowned speaker directed to Caribbean people. I thank you again and again for assisting this process.

    • Rene Godefroy

      You do have an awesome vision Petra. I look forward to sharing a platform in the Caribbean with you one day. I spoke in Trinidad Tobago not long ago at the Dwight Yoke stadium. Next time I’m down there, I will let you know.

  33. lubna

    Hello Rene
    My name is lubna and i have been following your videos. These videos are really pumping me up towards achieving my dreams. And I have been putting all you said into practice. Now I know I dnt need some kind of digree to become a motivational speaker.
    I am definitely one of your 1,000 pls.

    • Rene Godefroy

      Yes Lubna! You don’t need a degree. You need a burning desire to keep you in the race even when you are NOT seeing results fast enough. Never give up.

  34. Ricky

    Hi Rene,

    Firstly, just want to say that your videos are well and truly incredible in helping anyone get the very best out of themselves when it comes to building towards motivational speaking. To know that there is someone like yourself with such a huge depth of knowledge when it comes to motivation speaking and that you’re sharing it with the masses around the world, is incredible and a great learning curve in every sense.

    Also, I reside in Australia and you mentioned that even people around the world can have an impact – which is certainly something I have a burning desire to do. But, I was wondering, as I am in Australia, does that limit me from being involved in or partaking in this program involving 1000 people? If not, it’s definitely something that I would be absolutely interested in being involved with.

  35. Uday

    I am interested to be part of 1000 members.. I am looking forward for the next video and your call.

  36. Gabriel E N

    Rene you are simply great. Your teachings have influenced me greatly that I look forward to the next video. I am writing my book already. Count me in. Greeting from Nigeria.

  37. Uday

    Dear Rene,

    1. Have a strong desire to become a motivational speaker.
    2. Have always wanting to make a difference in the lives of the people.
    3. By being part of this I am sure my personality will also improve.
    4. I have taken sessions in the past for school children.
    5. I am a strong believer that what works for me works through me.
    I tried to update my desire to be part of your dream 1000 buddies who will be part of the mission spreading messages about life and make difference in the lives of the people. Thanks for reading my long message.. Uday

  38. Mark Francis B. Tambungui

    Wow. Thank you Sir. Rene. I’m mark from the Philippines. I’m really learning a lot. I want to share that during my free time. I try to write a speech or a training program. But i observe it’s so simple im thinking to write it again and make it more complicated and deep. But after i watched this video. I realize you are write that it is important to make it simple.

    When i was in college i always want to become a motivational speaker. It’s like a passion and a calling to train and to speak to people. And i realize that I can’t see myself in any other career. To be motivational speaker is my dream. By the way Sir Rene. I want to be part of your 1,000. You can contact me here. 09264850078 or you can email me. Thank you. God Bless!

  39. john bullard

    I am interested in joining up with the 1,000 speakers Rene. I want to share my life story of tragedy to triumph with the lessons I can teach to help better the life of others.

    • Rene Godefroy

      We will let you know as soon the program is available.

  40. Glen

    Thank you making all those videos and for your clear path to professional speaking…

  41. kenneth

    I am absolutely onboard w the your vision and impacting the world stage. This would be a tremendous opportunity for myself and others. I have been following you for a while so I cant wait to here from you personally.

    By the way the books at the publisher. Thanks for all your videos and help.

  42. Brittany Kucinski

    Hello Rene!
    I was very impressed by you and your story. I share a similar one. I am a very good speaker, but I want to expand my horizons, and have a larger impact on the world, so I would LOVE to join your 1000, I hope I am not too late!

  43. Joe Rodriguez

    Hi Rene, I love how you waited for the 7th video to announce your message. That’s how you know who’s committed I notice that the last post was on 2011. I don’t know if you already picked your 1000. I’m going to keep this message simple K.I.S.S. I joined TM 3 months ago and in 3 months I advance all the way up to winning 2nd place in the Division contest. Already speaking in circuit clubs like Kiwanis and chamber of commerce. I have schedule to speak in 2 school in the 30 months. I have a great message to send the world. I will put a dent in the universe. Currently, working as a property manager full time 8-5. I wake up at 530 every morning to work on my website, read a book related to motivational speaking and continue to write my first book. During lunch, I continue I keep sending emails to more clubs or schools to acquire more free speaking engagements to get my name out. Still attend TM clubs twice a week.Not going to stop until I achieve my goals. Thank you for your videos and inspiration I will see you soon. I already visualized it. Take Care Joe

  44. Alice lamont

    Rene and team,

    These videos have been the catalyst to propel me to starting to write my book, a book that has been an idea for months. Only a week in and I’m 18% towards my goal.

    I am committed and have everything it takes to become one of 1000 in me, and I will act on my capabilities with unshakable grit.

    I look forward to speaking to you and to changing the world.

    Yours sincerely,
    Alice Lamont

  45. Angie

    Thank you for this message of simplification. I tend to want to be everything to all people and try to be too deep. I am really going to work on simplifying. Choosing three main points and building on those.

    I want to make an impact and leave my mark.

  46. Kabelo T.

    Thanks rene for making room for inspired individuals like myself. It is not a mistake that I found this block. I have been puting my desire to speak in the back sit because I was struggling to execute, despite lot of ideas. I took your advise on how to earn credibility as a speaker in the making. I am writting a book, ‘Step back and move forward Faster’. My start is 5 chapters and not 10 as you recommended. Man I am fired up. I want to be in the 1000. Even if I am the 1001, it’s ok. When the novice is ready, the mentor will be there. The novice is here and ready. Are you the mentor?

  47. Chaplain Taiwo Balogun

    I am seriously interested to be part of the 1,000 change makers / world changers. Phone no: +2347036091342, all the way from Nigeria….

    You are indeed a blessing to this generation!

    God bless you

  48. Manuel

    Hi Rene,

    I am interested to be in your circle of 1000. But I am leaving in Africa.


  49. Venus

    I’m want to be the 1000. But I’m not from US, is that ok?

  50. Jessica Randon

    I am a new author and I’m looking to get into speaking and am interested in hearing more about your vision for the 1,000 member team you’re looking to build!

  51. Tamara

    I would love to be part of the 1,000, can you please email me more information! feeling excited! thanks for all the amazing videos, your AWESOME:)

  52. Natasha

    Hello Rene, my name is Natasha! About 4 years ago I was introduced to the law of attraction and my life was completely transformed. I began an AMAZING journey of peace & love which has brought me many blessings including my awesome husband, our 3 boys, a house of our own & so much more. I recently found myself at a standstill and desired to break out of the stagnation. I didn’t have any solutions, however I still had my vision in my heart and I knew that speaking is a large part. I began researching & came across your website. I am so grateful to have the opportunity to watch your informative videos! You have great advice which has inspired me to begin my long overdue book and begin taking the necessary steps to bring my vision to fruition. I have very little experience in speaking but I know I have the power of word to transform this world with my experiences, knowledge & wisdom! I am committed to manifesting my dreams for my family & the world! I’m ready to be one of the 1000! Thank you!!!!! 8609409676

  53. Kim

    Hello Rene,

    I’ve been doing workshops and public speaking for about a year now, and I LOVE IT. I love your videos and I believe your “golden nuggets” are awesome, but perhaps not fully recognized by many…..

    I would like to know more about what you do!

  54. Clarice Diavu

    Hi Rene,

    I am interested in becoming one of the 1000 people that you want to groom to be as great as you! I am not sure where to leave my telephone number.

  55. Niamh

    I would definitely want to be apart of those 1,000 people who travel with you. I’m not sure whether it’s too late to apply though. I hope not. This opportunity is exactly what I am looking for to get my speaking career established. To travel with someone who already has the credentials. I am willing to work myself for this but if this opportunity is still available I would love to be considered.
    Thanks Rene

  56. Cornelius Johnson

    Yes, Yes, Yes, Rene’ Mr. Godefroy I very much so want to be 1 of your 1000 if that is yet available. Speaking/Teaching is what I do and Love to do. What is my next step to being among your 1000?

  57. Surendra

    Dear Renesir,
    Your videos are very good.They have the power to change negative minds to positive once.
    Thanks & Regards,

  58. quiota ruiz

    I would love to be one of the 1000 people

  59. TalibahJae

    I am certainly qualified. I have been doing it for free my entire life, it is time to make my passion a career.

    • Rene Godefroy

      Yes. It’s time to make a bigger impact so you can make a bigger paycheck.

  60. Vanessa Edwards

    Hi!!! ^o^

    My name is Vanessa Edwards and I am so ready to get started I can physically feel it.

    I am 25 years old and I thought that my age would keep me from keynote speaking and life coaching so it made me hesitant for a little while.

    I NOW KNOW that this is what I want to do for the rest of my life internationally.

    My message is for young adults like myself because I believe in America today, unless the topic is on academia then there is not much support or inspiration for this group about this thing called life.

    My main message and what I live everyday is about SELF discovery, SELF identity, SELF awareness, SELF empowerment and SELF trust.

    I- AM- ONE- OF -YOUR- 1000

    I can’t wait to hear from you and to get started!!

    • Rene Godefroy

      Love your message Vanessa. I will be announcing the 1,000 soon.

  61. Cynthia Howell

    Hi. I woullike to become a part of the Circle of 1000. My phone number is 412.606.8139.

    • Rene Godefroy

      You will have the opportunity to be a part of it Cynthia.

  62. Tabatha

    I love the videos so far, and I’m definitely interested.

  63. johnnie

    Thanks again Rene! Keep it simple is a great thing in communicating…
    If the information is powerful and can be implemented easily,the battle is won.
    Convincing becomes unnecessary,the experience shared becomes the proof!
    I’d like to be in the.1000 speakers!

    • Rene Godefroy

      Yes, simplicity is the key. Take a complex topic and dumb it down. People check out the moment they are getting what you are saying.

  64. Manuel

    Hola Mr. Rene : Iam an immigrant from Mexico, and I’ve been a motivational speaker on schools and a preacher on many Catholic Church’s for over 22 years, and always free of charge, I just turn 50 years old last December, and about a year ago I was planning on becoming a professional motivational speaker and do it as a profession full time… But my plan was to start at the age of 55, and be succesful at the age of 60, but last September I lost my business, and now I’m struggling with money and the quality of life I always provide to my family… Now I see this as an opportunity to begin my career as a professional speaker, with absolutely no money, but great faith and courage, I need a mentor and any help that I can get to reach my dream to make this a better world, My first language is Spanish and if we can work together, that will be fantastic, now if there is still place on those 1000 people I’m on. God Bless you and your family…….. Atte Manuel Fierro.

    • Rene Godefroy

      You don’t need money to start. You need to bring incredible value to a specific segment of the market. Don’t try to be all things to all people. That is a recipe for disaster. Choose a lane and stay there. Decide on what topic you’re going to talk about. Decide on who would be interested in that topic and pay for it. Schools, corporations (managers, supervisors, executives, front-line), or non-profit. Then, create content. Yes, you have to write, be in front of a video camera, record audio, etc. That’s the only way. You cannot call to say you are a great speaker. That’s old school. Call to give them something of value– something that can solve a specific problem. A solution. Don’t worry about your age. Colonel Sanders started KFC at the age of 65.

  65. Henry


    “Bulldog Tenacity” – I like it. This video is in your face honesty. At this time, I am not ready to do whatever. I have been following your advice so far in regards to working on my book, found a company that can print it, list of civic clubs, creating my one pager, along with the story exercises. You may be asking what is stopping me from coming on board. What is stopping me is that I do want to speak for living, however not full time. I love what I do as a professional (individual and family therapy) and I refuse to give that up to speak full time. Part time speaking is what I am going for, but don’t get it twisted. It does not mean that I am less committed, I personally have different goals. I would love the opportunity to be a part of that 1,000. I thinking that 1,000 is not for me. Nonetheless, I will continue to review the videos and put what you say in place.


  66. Beth Durkee

    Great video but it leaves me with one point of mild confusion. Everything makes good sense except… You say only three point-story combinatins?? How do you make three stories last for 60 or 90 minutes without becoming over-wordy and boring?

    • Rene Godefroy

      Okay Beth. I said three points with stories. I didn’t say three stories. Although you can speak for one hour using three stories. You only need to bring more details and elaborate more on the point of the story as well as having more audience interactions.

      As for me, I like to tell many short stories and vignettes. However, I’m actually telling one big story. Does that make sense to you? Don’t limit yourself. Write down your three major points. Then, choose all your stories to support your points.

  67. Rodney

    I definitely needed to hear that, you was talk directly to me, and that's what I need to do keep it simple.

    Thank you Rene

    And my book is almost finish

    • Rene Godefroy

      Hey Rodney,

      Simplicity is the key. Most people never make it because they complicate it too much. Give people a step-by-step guide. Give them a simple how to. When I think about it, I don't have anything complicated. I have a simple message. People need reminders… not new and deep stuff.

  68. Tanya E. Partin Lawt

    Hi Rene, I am Tanya and I have been listening to all your videos and doing the exercise. I want to tell you that the '1 pager' is an excellent tool for a hand out to the people that I am asking to allow me to speak. Thank you so much. You are phenomenal.

    I also would like you to know that I desire to be one of your '1000 person go getters'. Please consider me for one of those positions.


    Tanya E. Partin Lawton,

    Christian Women's Speaker,

    Author and Writer of:

    'Found in a Garbare Can' – Geration X to Generation Next: The End of The Godless Age

    • Rene Godefroy

      Awesome Tanya! Way to go! You are doing a great job.

  69. dotgasmobile

    Thanks Rene, I,m fired up…And all ready to work with you…..

  70. Michael


    Are you ready to change the world?

    The answer is yes!

    Following one of my speeches, a lady wrote a testimonial that made me think – if I can do this for 1 person, I can do it for thousands.

    This is what she wrote:

    “Mike’s class may become one of the turning points of my life. I am very grateful that he is a teacher who can influence not only with much more practical cutting-edge information, but also more importantly with his passion, inspiration, and genuineness.

    I believe that more and more people will be touched by his effective and authentic teaching.

    Thank you again, Mike.”

    With a partner like you Rene – the world can be changed.

    Thank you
    Michael R Dougherty

  71. chris mapfumo

    iam really impressed with this intiative, you know already that iam the first of the 1000 worldwide motivational speakers , why i say so because i had told earlier when i knew you that i would love to work with you or share a stage with you, now here we are. this a a job i would do even for no pay or no money. iam passionate about speaking and motivatig others. this is absolutely brilliant. its unbeleavable. i cant wait.

    • Rene Godefroy

      I really love your attitude Chris. Keep it up.

  72. ravi

    Hi Rene, again good video which you always inspire us , coming to your mission it's fantastic , i love to be one of the 1000. I love to inspire people which is always I love to do deep in my heart. but one thing Rene you may not like this but the truth is I am pursuing engineering, i am now in the last semester of engineering , so in order to join your mission should I leave college, i can't make a decision between completing engineering or join in your mission which I can give 100% commitment.i am 22 now and I belong to can u give u suggestion regarding this.i hope your advice may help me a lot to relieve my pressure..

    • Rene Godefroy


      You don’t have to quit college. You need to get your formal education. Although it’s not necessary to be a motivational speaker. You can launch your speaking career while in college. Start noticing problems college students are experiencing. Write articles or special reports with solutions to those problems.

      Offer to share your advice and guidance to the students who come to your college in the first year. Interview the students who are excelling to find out their strategies. Then share them with other students. Interview your teachers. Just let them know that it is your intense desire to help every student succeed in college.

      You don’t have to know everything yourself. You can be a reporter. I hope you understand what I mean.

  73. Miriam

    Thank you Rene,

    I am excited to work with you and learn how to keep it simple.

    I have enjoyed very much all your videos and always looking forward for

    another video.

    Thank you so much for all you do and may God Bless!


  74. Bernard


    Thank you so much for undertaking such a great endeavor to help such a huge number of people transform the world at once. I am part of the team definitely. I believe I belong to a group of people who has the capacity to release their full potential but just need a mentor. Thank you very much for willing to share your knowledge, experience and pain with those like me who are interested in becoming motivational speakers but do not have the real support to do the business.


  75. Barbara Caldwell

    Dear Mr.Godefroy,

    I am thrilled and excited about the possibility of working with you. I would love to be on your team of one thousand world changers. I'm looking forward to hearing from your staff. Thanks for keeping me on your list.

    Barbara Caldwell

    • Rene Godefroy

      Glad you are ready to join forces with me. Let's make a huge impact. I believe most people need a transformation. You see, I think are people used to change. Let's be world transformers.

  76. Glenda Yarde

    Rene, that was awesome–very moving, too. You said everything I needed to hear. Count me in! Your mission is my mission. May God continue to bless you and enable you. I cannot find words to thank you enough. Thank you, anyway. Thanks a million. I'll finish my book by this weekend. I want it to be pocket size, easy to carry around. I,m off to search for a publishing company that can do that size. Thank God for the internet!

  77. Miriam

    Thanks Rene for this video about

    'Keep it simple'

    another great tape.

    It will be nice to be on board with you. I Just filled the form.

    • Rene Godefroy

      Yes, Miriam! There’s magic in keeping it simple. People are drowning in a see of information. They are really looking for someone that can come along and offer them simple steps and solutions.


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